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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

Using a quiz to grow your email list fast (using Interact quiz builder)

Have you done all the things to grow your email list: you’ve made a lead magnet or free opt-in, blasted about it on social media, blogged your little heart out … and still crickets? Are you so tired of hearing people say “the money is in the list”, but you’ve tried anything and everything to grow your own email list with little to no results? Girl, I got you! Today I’m going to teach you how to use a quiz to grow your email list fast, specifically using the Interact quiz builder.

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

Should you invest in online courses and business coaches?

I’ve made a LOT of mistakes in my business over the past decade, but do you want to know the biggest one? Not investing in learning how to run a business sooner. I knew tons about nutrition and the human body, but how to run a successful business? No clue. When I realized that I needed to know more, I had no idea where to start, that is, until I learned about online courses and business coaches. However, when you find out that there are courses that will cost you upwards of $5,000, and some coaches charge tens of thousands of dollars, how much should you invest in online courses and business coaches … and how do you know if it will be worth it?

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

The ultimate guide to finding new paying customers on autopilot

This is it, the holy grail of growing your business. Today you’re going to learn the ins and outs of finding new paying customers on autopilot. Meaning that you’ll wake up one morning, check your email, and there will be a message with the subject line “X sent you money” or “you made a sale!”. Really sit with that for a minute. How amazing would it feel to literally make money while you sleep? How much would your business and life change when that starts happening? That’s what I’m going to teach you today!

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

6 ways to use a blog to grow your business on autopilot

Websites have been around for at least 30 years, and blogs for at least 20. How can they still be relevant? Well, the answer is that they’re still incredibly relevant, but not if you’re treating your website like an expensive electronic business card.

What I mean by “electronic business card” is that if you don’t have an active blog where you share new, valuable content on a regular basis, your website is just a sitting duck, not really doing anything … kind of like when you hand your business cards out at networking events. 99.9% of the time, they just get thrown in the trash!

How do you make sure that your website doesn’t end up in the proverbial trash, too? By having an active blog where you share epic content. And I mean EPIC content that people can’t help but want because it’s so incredibly valuable to them and their problems that you want to help them solve.

But isn’t writing blog posts a huge waste of time and energy? I mean, who really reads blog posts anymore? Let me share some examples from my own business of how it’s grown on autopilot through my blog, even when I wasn’t actively blogging for months at a time.

Example #1: I have one particular blog post that I wrote in Summer 2016 that has been seen by over 31,000 people since it was shared on a certain social media platform, with 434 people clicking through to that particular blog post, resulting in 219 people opting into my email list. Which platform? Keep reading!

Example #2: Over this past summer, when I didn’t publish one single blog post for 4 months because I was overhauling my online course, I still grew my email list by 221 people (a 17% increase, which is NOT a small amount!). During that same 4 month stretch time, there was one entire month where I only posted 4 times on Instagram, and I wasn’t active on any other social media platforms, and my list grew by 75 new subscribers.

So, how would YOU like for your email list, number of paying clients, and business to grow on autopilot, just like I’ve experienced? If you’re nodding your head yes, then …

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

10 Tips for Holding an In-Person Retreat

Last week I did not get a blog post to you or a video blog post because I was busy holding a retreat for my high level leader business partners on my doTERRA team. I attempted to bring six women together, four got there, but I was asking them to travel from really far away. I brought them to my hometown, put them up at our local boutique hotel, and we had the most amazing day and a half together. I'm here to share my tips from this from organizing my first retreat. 

I've been wanting to do something like this for over two years and I finally just said I'm doing it. I'm doing it in a way that feels really good to me, and so I'm going to share what I learned about this. 

While I'm an introvert and I don't love big, large scale events, I love connecting with people in a more intimate environment. So why would you even want to hold an in person retreat? Again, whether it's for some customers or clients of yours, let's say you're a nutritionist and you want to hold a weight loss retreat or a stress free retreat, or you're just being called to hold an in person retreat for your customers or clients. Or, if you're like me and you have a network marketing team, and there are several people that are helping you build this business, then you might want to bring them together for more of a business retreat. Even if you don't have a network marketing team, let's say you have a team of people who help you, like assistants or copywriters or whatever, wouldn't it be lovely to bring them together to envision the next six months or a year of your business so that everyone is on the same page together.

That is why you might hold an in person retreat, because there is nothing better than true connection.

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

What email software to use in your biz

I get the question of "what email platform should I use in my business" at least once a week. When I first started, there was only a handful of email marketing software companies, but now the possibilities seem endless: Mailchimp, AWeber, MadMimi, Constant Contact GetResponse, ConvertKit, InfusionSoft, Ontraport ... and that doesn't even include the multi-tool platforms (that include extra robust shops and even online course hosting) like the New Kajabi and Shopify. How do you even know where to start?

You make an educated decision and move on. Seriously.

Whatever success you want to create, whatever feats you want to achieve, whatever dreams you want to make real, you can, and you don't have to do impossible, extraordinary things to make that happen. But you have to do SOMETHING. ~ Jeff Olson

You could debate until you're blue in the face which one to choose, but as in life and anything biz related, there won't be just one platform that will have everything you need all in one place and is the best at all of them. It doesn't exist.

One company might be better at getting through spam filters while another will give you the ability to create multiple lists and track clicks.

You've got to pick the one that ticks most of your boxes, then make it work for all it's worth.

However, if there's only one thing that you learn from this blog post, it's that you need to be growing an email list for the success of your business.

Whether you choose one of the companies I list below, or go with another completely different one, promise me that you at least HAVE an email list.

This is one of the top 3 mistakes I made in my first year as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and I don't want you to make the same one that I did.

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

How to supercharge your list building (+ free video training)

So, you've done all the right things in your business. You picked a niche, branded your business, built a kick-ass website, started your email list, are blogging on the regular, and sharing your value-packed content on social media. You know that list building is the top thing you need to be doing to have regular new clients or to get ready to launch your next (maybe even your first!) online course.

You're so proud of yourself for sticking to a plan and doing all. the. things that you see other successful online peeps doing!

But when you log into your email software, your list isn't growing very fast. All you hear is proverbial crickets. What a huge letdown! So what are you doing wrong? Turns out, nothing, it's just that people need a little more incentive nowadays to opt into your email list.

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