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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

How to get good testimonials for your health business

We’ve all seen that person who shares the most amazing results and glowing words from their clients, and, be honest, doesn’t it make you want to hire them? Damn straight it does! I want you to be able to share the same thing in your business, so today I’m going to teach you how to get good testimonials for your health business.

Why are testimonials treated like solid gold in business? It’s called social proof, and something clicks in our brains that if someone else got those results, we can, too. I don’t know about you, but there’s been times when I didn’t even need something that someone was selling, but they share a great testimonial and I’m like … hmm, maybe I DO need that thing? And I don’t succumb to peer pressure very easily. That’s the power of the almighty testimonial.

Not only is a good testimonial perfect for sharing on a sales page, but also on social media, especially when you’re launching.

The problem is that trying to get good testimonials from your clients can feel like pulling teeth.

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Creating income Ashley Srokosz Creating income Ashley Srokosz

How Laura went from no program to $4,134 in sales in 40 days with no email list

I bet you’ve had an amazing idea come to you for an online health program at least once. You got a gut feeling that it’s the next level of your business and you were super excited to get it into the world … but then you spent months (or years!) thinking about it, then came the months creating the program itself. The worksheets, the slides, the videos. They took so. much. time. to create.

Then you tried “launching”, which was really just 2 posts on social media, a handful of Instagram stories, and an email to your tiny list that resulted in a few hundreds of dollars of sales.

Then you probably felt like a failure and that “great idea” started looking like a total waste of time and energy, and so you holed up on your couch eating dairy-free ice cream for a few days while binge watching “The Office”. Totally not worth it, right?

But what if I told you that your great idea was great, and if you just reversed the time you spent creating the program with the time you spent launching it, you could have had a super successful online health program that you can use to create income for years to come?

That’s exactly what my client Laura did, and she ended up going from no program to $4,134 in sales during her 7 day launch, and she did it within 40 days of the initial idea and without an email list. Oh, and during a global pandemic, homeschooling her 2 kids, husband has his own business, no ads, and no experience with online marketing or launching.

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Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz Systems and skills Ashley Srokosz

Using a quiz to grow your email list fast (using Interact quiz builder)

Have you done all the things to grow your email list: you’ve made a lead magnet or free opt-in, blasted about it on social media, blogged your little heart out … and still crickets? Are you so tired of hearing people say “the money is in the list”, but you’ve tried anything and everything to grow your own email list with little to no results? Girl, I got you! Today I’m going to teach you how to use a quiz to grow your email list fast, specifically using the Interact quiz builder.

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Marketing and branding Ashley Srokosz Marketing and branding Ashley Srokosz

7 easy ways to improve your health coaching website

You’re ready to, or maybe you’ve already launched, your health coach website (or you’re a nutritionist, essential oil advocate, naturopath, chiropractor, etc). Unless you have at least $3,000, chances are your website is a DIY job, which I’m a total believer in. The problem is that since you’re likely not a professional website designer, you’re not entirely sure your health website has all the things it needs to really build your business. Let’s change that!

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Creating income Ashley Srokosz Creating income Ashley Srokosz

How to make consistent monthly income as a nutritionist or health coach

Do you LOVE the idea of having consistent, recurring income you can count on every single month in your nutrition business... but it seems like the only way is through network marketing or product sales?

Or, even better, you are all-in on network marketing but it's not bringing in the consistent income every month that you thought it would?

Yep, I totally get it, and I’m right there with you, which is why I’m here to offer you another solution to the “I need to make some income I can actually count on!” problem we all face in our businesses.

In fact, I’m going to give you 3 simple suggestions for how you can create consistent income in your nutrition or wellness business right now without selling anyone else's products, whatsoever.

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Marketing and branding Ashley Srokosz Marketing and branding Ashley Srokosz

What is branding ... and is it worth it?

As a wellness website and branding expert, sometimes even *I* find it hard to explain what branding really is, so I don’t expect other health and wellness entrepreneurs to have any clue, either. When you hear others say “brand yourself” and “your brand is your business”, you get an idea that yes, it’s important, but is it really worth it to brand your health business … and what IS branding, anyways?

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Money and goal setting Ashley Srokosz Money and goal setting Ashley Srokosz

What no one tells you about running a 6-figure business: 2019 year in review

Last year I released a year in review of my 2018 numbers, and you all loved it so much that I wanted to do it again this year with my 2019 year in review. This is my chance to be open and transparent behind the triumphs and struggles of running a 6 figure business, because it’s both the best and worthwhile journey you can ever be on, while putting you through the lowest of lows that will force you to grow in ways you never imagined.

I had a very specific vision of how 2019 was going to go, and by the end of it, I was somehow nowhere near that vision, yet never closer to it. This probably makes no sense to you, but hopefully will by the end of this post.

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