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Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz

What to do if you feel stuck in your business

Ever feel absolutely stuck in your business? Like you’ll never have another good idea again, and you should just pack it in and quit? Phew, I thought I was the only one.

It’s not like I have “5 steps to get off your butt and start feeling like a million bucks again” that you can follow if you’re feeling stuck, but I’ve been through these feelings enough times to give you some guidance on how to navigate these choppy waters. Let’s dive in.

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Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz

How to find a virtual assistant (and how to work with them)

Are you overworked, overwhelmed, and heading towards burnout in your business? Thought of hiring someone to help you out with the millions of tasks on your to-do list? Today’s post is for YOU because it’s all about how to find a virtual assistant (aka VA), and then some tips on communicating and working with them once you find that one magical person who will most likely be your new work husband or wife.

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Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz

How to grow a business when you have anxiety (or any other chronic illness)

If you are growing a business with anxiety, depression, any other mental illness or disorder, or physical issues like an autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, lyme, fibromyalgia, or any other of the hundreds of chronic illnesses out there, this blog post is for you.

I understand how you feel.

Pushing through the all consuming fatigue because you’ve got too much on your to do list. Pretending that you’re not having a panic attack while doing a live video because that’s the only way to “beat the algorithm”. Sacrificing everything your body needs because you have to be consistent. Ending the day with nothing left for your family or friends, much less to take care of yourself.

I understand exactly how you feel, friend.

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Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz Work and life balance Ashley Srokosz

Running a business as an introvert

Let me just start off this post by sharing something that most people don't know about me until you become real life, in-person friends with me: I'm an introvert. A *huge* introvert. That usually comes as a surprise to most people. You all see me doing Facebook Live videos, essential oil classes, or keynote presentations. Public speaking usually doesn't phase me. While I have no problem acting like an extrovert, I'm far from it.

For the longest time I never saw myself as an introvert. I thought introverts were just overly shy, and most people think the same thing. That's why no one thinks I'm an introvert when they meet me. When I'm out in public, I know how to be "on". I'm high energy, talking a ton, bopping from person to person.

And then I get home and crash. Sometimes I crash hard, like now. I'm writing this after spending the last 3 weeks pretty much feeling like I had a cold off and on, until an actual cold hit me on Thursday and has yet to release me from it's viral-filled tentacles 4 days later.

You see, I've spent the last 2 months talking and being around a lot of people. There are seasons in my business that call for it, and it's the end of that season. There's been flying to a convention and being surrounded by 30,000 people for 4 straight days (and let me tell you, flying triggers panic in me all by itself), followed by launching a new website, going on trips with my extroverted husband for his birthday (which means running around a new city from morning until late at night), going to an all-day TEDx talk, meeting new people at business summits, teaching more frequent than average oils classes, and mentoring my ever-growing essential oils team.

All of this while my husband travelled to 4 different cities over 4 different weeks on multi-day trips for his business in the last 2 months, leaving me to solo parent our 4-year-old son whom I adore but he's super high energy and needs attention, which can be exhausting.

It's all a bit too much for this introvert.

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